Fade and Flare - An Inuyasha Fanfic by Pink


This is a fanfic about pop stars and music! Of course it has a soundtrack. :) These tracks inspired this fic.

If I consider the song to be one of Kagome's I've used a track that doesn't have vocals (better for the imagination).

These are only 30 second clips because every time I try to put them online in a playlist they get taken down. Hopefully this amount of time will fall under Fair Use. :/

1 - Sakuran (by Shiina Ringo)

As far as I'm concerned this is the theme song to Fade and Flare. The last verses of the song seem exactly like Inuyasha and Kagome's situation:

I want you with me but all you feel is cold / Is this getting old?
Your look of sorrow, it fills me with desire / My heart's on fire

Come here, come near me / There is no one like you / Let's burn up this room
Now that i'm with you, I see it day by day / Facades, they fade away

How will you get by? / You know, I just don't care for foolish affairs
You cheat, you smile, you laugh at my desire / I'm crazy for... what am I crazy for?

2 - STROBE (by Amuro Namie)

In Chapter 1: This is the song that's playing in the opening scene, as Kagome sings in concert. In general Amuro Namie was a natural inspiration for Kagome's pop career, seeing as Amuro Namie is my picture of what a quintessential modern Japanese pop star is (a long/prolific career, cultural impact, popularity, some tragedy, and a comeback).

3 - niji (by L'Arc~en~Ciel)

In Chapter 2: IRL this is one of L'Arc's signature songs; the backdrop to when Kagome sneaks off to Osaka and meets Hideto for the first time (it definitely would have played at the concert).

4 - LOVE (by KAT-TUN)

In Chapters 3-5: This is the song Kagome and her dancers are rehearsing to/performing while on tour.

5 - WHAT A FEELING (by Amuro Namie)

In Chapter 6: While on the beach in Cebu, this is the single which Kagome rehearses her dancing for.

6 - Like @ Angel (by kuroyume)

In Chapters 7-9: This serves as a theme song for Kagome's days as a young musician, but is also the song she plays during her first shows (anta nanka dai kirai).


In Chapter 9: After Kagome fights with Hojo, runs distraught through Shibuya, is brought home by Miroku, and unable to sleep she catches Hideto's music video on TV, falling asleep to his voice.

8 - LEGEND (by Nakashima Mika)

In Chapter 1 (mentioned) and Chapter 9: This would be Kagome's ballad (Monochrome Android) mentioned in Chapter 1 and playing in 9 as Inuyasha is thinking as Kagome.

9 - IT'S IN THE STARS (by w-inds.)

In Chapter 9 and 13: Maybe it's redundant to say, "Let's pretend Kagome wrote this" but let's especially do this here, ha ha. XD;;; Anyway, this would have been one of the English demo songs that Miroku asked Kagome to write and then perform in Los Angeles.

10 - suisha (by Acidman)

In Chapter 13: Background music to the first love scene.

11 - GHOST (by plastic tree)

In Chapter 15: (part 2) What Sango is obsessively listening to... Kagome's old demo CD. This plays as Kouhaku comes home.


In Chapter 15 (part 2): Background music to the love scene (in Kagome's apartment).

13 - The Shadow Of Your Smile (by Ken)

In Chapter 16: The background/mood music as Kagome wanders through her empty apartment.

14 - NITE & DAY (by kuroyume)

In Chapter 17: One of the collaboration songs that Kagome performs with Hideto.

15 - MONSTER (by Pink Lady)

In Chapter 18: A goofy song that Kagome sings with the cute brunette at Hideto's apartment.

More Inspiration

16 - fukurou (by Plastic Tree)

In Chapter ??:

Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan, Yomiuri Terebi, and Sunrise 2000 ♥