Fade and Flare - An Inuyasha Fanfic by Pink


HEY, LISTEN. LISTEN, I've worked on this fanfic over the course of ten years, so most of this artwork is OLD and TERRIBLE IMO, and I'm just gonna have to get over that, but here it is, anyway.

I can't imagine where people would want to use them, but please DO NOT use this horrible artwork elsewhere without my permission, because I feel incredibly self-conscious of these ugly babies that are my drawings and would DIE if they were elsewhere online. Thanks.


Chapter 3:
Kagome in her reheasal clothes
Chapter 5:
Inuyasha and Kagome in her hotel room
Chapter 6:
Sitting area of Hideto's living room (view from Kagome's seat)
High school-aged Kagome, playing the Gretsch for the first time
(Sketch) High school-aged Kagome, playing the Gretsch for the first time (10 years later redraw) (newest)
Chapter 7:
Photo from the cover of Kagome's latest single
Inuyasha and Kagome leaving, before Kagome's date
Chapter 8:
Uh-oh... Inuyasha and Kagome
Chapter 11:
Inuyasha and Kagome in the elevator
Chapter 12:
Kagome's dress from the awards show
Chapter 13:
"I'd be happy to have you use me." "Kagome... don't ever say that!"
Inuyasha and Kagome doing The Deed (Explicit!)
Chapter 15:
Inuyasha Carries Kagome Home
Chapter 17:
(Sketch) Kagome at a Rock Show
Chapter 19:
(Sketch) Inuyasha and Kagome meet again (newest)
Non-Chapter Specific:
Sango - Shopping At Loft
The cover to Kagome's demo tape (why's she posing with a bass?)
Kagome's Inner Circle
Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan, Yomiuri Terebi, and Sunrise 2000 ♥